
Finally, this is Caegan, the King's Rook. His magical abilities make him an outcast from society, and he's been sequestered in the castle his whole life.

@freddieGilbraith In my mind I hear him being voiced by Neil Newbon. You managed to give him so much character. Really love this piece (pun intended, I see that little rook element in the collar! :P)

@OmtayStudios ooh, Neil could be appropriate, yeah, I’ll make a note for our creative director!

Our artist has done such an incredible job with all these characters, I think they’ve each got a little hint at their piece somewhere :)

@freddieGilbraith It definitely helps with the creative process if you can visualize how they behave, sound, and everything that isn't constructed visually.

Like a villain I was coming up with in my head came about by me talking to my dogs in a silly old lady voice. I was like "hol up...but wait tho, what would this person look like" so I am in the process of trying to visualize that character.

It's really cool to see the art quality you have shown depict this in reverse. So much character!

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